Friday, September 3, 2010

We All Know Our Birth Stone, Right? What About Your "Birth Color"?

"Honey, you were BORN to wear that color!"

Ever heard that?

Ever caught yourself saying "I was born to live with this color!"
"This color was just made for me..."

Well, turns out, maybe you were right!

Thanks to sweet Leigha from ELLE OH
and THIS POST she did recently on finding "your" color,
I tried it out on the website, and I am now informed as to what MY special "birth color" is...

Based on my birthdate of August 1st, 19-wouldn't-you-like-to-know...
"Autumn Sunset" is "my" color... Pantone #16-1343.
The little description they give of those born on this date goes something like this:
Devoted.  Persistent.  Intense.
Having a "royal" nature, I need to be treated with respect (Well, okay, I'll take that one).
I function best when I'm in leadership (NOT).
I'm not one to follow someone else's drum beat (agree).
I'm loyal & committed and my influence is felt when I believe in something....
and so on.

I'll take all the descriptives with a grain of salt -- but it IS very fun to play on this site with
the birthdays of your friends and family to see if their color matches what they
have always gravitated toward.

Okay, friends... confession time...

Me no likey.  

I've NEVER been an orange kinda gal.  


(Well, wait... there IS that orange rain slicker I have in my closet... the one that got me
into ALL KINDA trouble once when I tagged along to a Vanderbilt vs. Tennessee Vols 
homecoming game one year.  We were on the Vandy side... and I wore my orange rain coat...
Hey, how was I to know??  I don't follow football and I just knew I had this nice bright orange
rain coat from Gap that I was dying to wear, and... well... can you imagine??
There we were -- sitting as a family on the VANDERBILT side of the stands, AT
Vanderbilt where my husband graduated from, and there your's truly is...
sportin' her cute new rain slicker in just the perfect shade of Tennessee Vols orange..
Oh what a day... what a day...)

But I digress...

I was just sure I'd be a nice warm, golden, tawny yellow -- the kind you see in
Provence or Tuscany.
I adore yellows like this:

Oh my word... LOVE this bed...
{BOTH photos from Leigha's FANTABULOUS blog}

Or maybe a great shade of green.. I don't know... something like emerald.

Even something in the greys/charcoals...


I got orange.  PUMPKIN orange.

Well... I do love Fall.  Maybe I should embrace my inner-orange and 
try branching out a little and add a little "Autumn Sunset" to my life.

Leigha and I chatted a bit about how I wasn't super thrilled with what turned out to be
"my" color and being the awesome designer that she is, in no time, she
sent me some "inspiration photos" that contained "my" color.

Here are two that she sent me:


and this

I love these beds, by the way!!!  The color... the paintings on them...
And just look how good just the little pop of orange is in this room..

Okay... maybe I could warm up a bit to this....

Hmmm.... Added in just the right amount, to just the right spot, maybe
I would be willing to welcome orange into the fold.

So, stay tuned... maybe there will be some shades of Autumn Sunset
sneaking into my decor -- added in with charcoal, some of my already-present
Tuscan yellows... just might be a match made in heaven!!

Or, on my birthday?

Have a great Labor Day weekend and I will be back here within
a day or so with links to 
ALL the fun new inventory that just arrived!!

Go have fun over at Leigha's blog and picking out 



  1. Anonymous9/03/2010

    Thanks Ruth ~ how fun! My personal color is Faded Rose ~ Thinker, Story teller, and who teaches others through the stories they tell. One capable of Conveying images and emotion that affect others....embodies love, passion, and courage. What a lovely color! ;-)

  2. I am blushing! Thanks love...thank you, thank you, thank you.
    I have been playing a little more on the Colorstrology husband and I totally color clash. Gasp.
    Seriously, endless gratitude.

  3. ~*~such an interesting post Ruth~I found out my color is Languid Lavender (oct.7)..funny thing is that color is probably the most flattering color I have worn before..weird!!! Thanks for sharing~*~* Rachel :)

  4. OK, I'm going to try it...and see if she's close. But, if it turns out I'm orange...well, you know how I feel about orange! I will report back! :)

  5. RUTH!!! I AM ENCHANTED BY YOUR BLOG! YIKES, I just finished posting and how in the world did you ever find me? I love your place here! My post is more "melancholy" than I usually have it; it is regularly upbeat, but I am fried and school hasn't even started yet!!! THANK YOU FOR COMING OVER. Please come again!!! Anita

  6. Ruth, It was fun place to play but "I no likey" my color either. As a matter of fact, can't remember the name but some sort of plummish color. Not me at all. Did play around to see who else was what. Thanks for sharing that interesting site.

  7. Anonymous9/04/2010

    They could not have pegged me closer! That's it! I'm definitely aqua. I even love WATER! Woot! This was fun, Ruth. Thanks for the diversion. I needed it.

    Love you,

  8. I am loving your blog! way fun and the photographs are amazing
    I went right to the website and had fun!... and I am Brandied Apricot - hmmm
    I have been indulging in the two new magazines I bought at The Beautiful Life - The homes inside are lovely and inviting and I am copying any and all details that I can ..
    Will you be carrying the October Jean dArc?
    keep writing! I love your fun musings!
    Dianne Conner

  9. Okay Ruth,
    I just tried it. And came up with, ugh, Shamrock. I mean, really? It is the one color that has not been in my wardrobe since my high school gym suit. Maybe that has some bearing on it but I digress.
    I actually would have been okay with orange, even have a orange silk trenchcoat to prove it!
    I think I will buck the system and stick with everything turquoise!
    Lisa & Alfie


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