Sunday, July 4, 2010

No Matter What Our Country, Our Flag Endures... There She Stands...


Happy 4th of July -- we truly are BLESSED nation. A blessing to humbly acknowledge and not take for granted. We have so much more than so many nations, but arrogance and/or turning from the Creator can & will quickly be a step toward the removal of His hand on us. 

May God truly bless the USA - not necessarily in wealth or power even -- but in Godliness, humility, charity and grace. 
With those, all other needs surely follow and are filled.

As always, Michael W. Smith captures a sentiment in song like no other - enjoy...



  1. beauitfully said ruth! happy 4th to you as well, stacy

  2. How beautifully said and how poignant.
    I concur 300% about God's hand being removed-we must come back to Him and recognize who truly is responsible for our great nation.
    Well Done Ruth, Happy Fourth of July, cheers!

  3. Thank you for this beautiful post. We are truly blessed!
    Happy July 4th!

  4. Dear Ruth:
    Thank you so much for your moving tribute. God Bless Our Troops, and God Bless America.

  5. God bless the USA!
    Beautiful blog!

  6. That was a beautiful message and song Ruth...thank you. God Bless the USA!! Happy 4th to you and your family. xo

  7. Great Post!!
    Hope you are enjoying this holiday weekend and gettin a little R&R!
    xOxO Nerina

  8. oh how I love Micheal and that flag

  9. Anonymous7/04/2010

    A beautiful post and a beautiful song ~
    May we all know how blessed we are and be graciously thankful for it everday.
    Enjoy your weekend!
    Sarah :)


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