Thursday, June 24, 2010

If You Own A MacBook, You HAVE To See This Laptop Cover! (WHY didn't I think of this??)

Ever Wish Your MacBook Were More "Bookish"?

You've just got to check out these hardback, all leather padded laptop cases made to look like
classic leather-bound books!!

My sweet sister, Minnie, emailed me a link to these and I knew
I had to share them with you, too!!

I've been in the market for a while now for just the right laptop....

Hmm.... how like me to choose a laptop 
based on a fabulous CASE I found that I love.  
HAHA!  Silly girl... 

They're not only very handsome, they look very well made...

They come in either vintage-y black or red :

They zip up tight for protection...

Then unzip, and VOILA - you are in business...
ready to get down to business.

Or blogging.



By the way, so far, these cases are recommended only for the 
MacBook Pro.  Technically you could put a regular MacBook into it, but they have
found that the white plastic outer case of the regular MacBook
sometimes gets stained over time by whatever material is on the inside
of the cover.
{The MacBook Pro laptops all have a stainless steel shell, so staining
is not an issue.}

A similar cover for the iPad is in the works and they offer a few other
fun laptop accessories as well... though none quite as fabulous as
this leather "book" cover.  

What a great idea -- and as one who has a "thing" for vintage books anyway,
this cover is now on my BEST SELLER list for sure.

You can find them by clicking HERE.

Now... speaking of online shopping (we were, weren't we??)...

Box upon box has been arriving here, chock full of new things the likes of
which you've just GOTTA SEE.

Well.... as soon as they get placed on the site, that is.





  1. Brilliant! I love this! This would have been an awesome Father's day gift!

  2. OHMYWORD!!!!!!!!!!!! You are a total doll for finding this and sharing! I just signed up to be alerted as soon as the iPad cover is in. LOVVVVVVVVVVE it! xoxo

  3. My sibling owns a book review website and her subscribers will certainly love this.
    Thank you for sharing this lovely find, cheers!

  4. i love it! i'm not a mac user, but what a cool cover. i can't wait to see what's in those boxes!

  5. I want one!!!!
    Love,love,love your blog.....


  6. Hi Ruth!
    I'm going to have to check this out. I have (and love) my MacBook Pro. Been a Mac lover since the early 80's. Thanks for the link.

  7. I love that! Too bad I don't have a Macbook!

  8. Hi Ruth,

    I wanted to stop to thank you so much for your prayers and support.
    It was kind of scary putting it out there but I am so glad I did. I feel very Blessed right now. I know the prayer helped.

    big hugs,

    P.S. Dorothy (DIL) has a Mac something. I think this would be a lovely gift for her.

  9. Now that's what a laptop cover should look like!
    At last they've listened to an inspirational designer.
    I'm sure there are many out there who could buy just on the cover - me included!

  10. That is too cool....I love it!!! Hope your having a good summer! x0

  11. I love that!!
    So Cool Ruth:))))

    Kay Ellen

  12. My Mac Book is begging me to buy this for her!

  13. Fabulous, on my ever growing Christmas list. (I had to start one now since I'm in Vail and thinking of snow even though it's 80 degrees!)

  14. I need to get a new notebook and have been debating on whether to go Mac or stay Windows. This may just be the deciding factor!

    I love these!!

  15. Hi Ruth,

    Just dropping by to tell you how much I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my Jeanne d'Arc french bottle rack!!! It is perfect. Many thanks. xo, Deborah

  16. Love this...pure genius!

  17. Anonymous6/30/2010

    How unique, handsome and awesome is that! Totally. Thanks for sharing this.


  18. Wow, This makes me want to run out and buy a MAC. Love it!
    Hugs, Sherry

  19. These covers are so great. Picking a laptop based on the case is totally something I would do. One of the many things I do that makes my husband roll his eyes (I also pick wine according to the design appeal of the label...oops!).
    Thanks for visiting my blog dear.


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