Monday, May 3, 2010

Shoe Love....

The latest target of my "site stalkng" is 
Can you see why??
Just look at these beauties!! 

The site is like one giant online clearance rack from Beverly Hills!

"clearance" is a subjective term...

Most of the shoes shown here are still well into
the "hundreds" even after being 
slashed in price for "outlet" pricing.

But still...

A gal can dream....

The next Jeanne d'Arc Living magazine (issue #4)
has been ordered and I'll be putting up a 
pre-order page later today.

But just wanted to pop in and show you some
pictures of what swirls around in my pretty little head
when I lay my pretty little head down to sleep....




  1. These are gorgeous!!! Being the "Lucy" that I am, I'd break my neck!

  2. Beautiful! But I would break my neck also.
    Waitng for the pre-orders!

  3. 3 broken necks here!

    i thought i was the only one who thought about fashio and decorating as i fall asleep! i've rearranged my whole house at least a zillion times and changed my outfits just as many -- no wonder we finally close our pretty little eyelids--we're plum tuckered out!

  4. shoes!
    The snake and black sling die for and I think they would actually be quite comfy!! Enjoy your week xOxO Nerina

  5. I'm sorry to say, I could not wear those shoes if I was paid to!

    torn tendon, booo hoo

  6. the shoes are abolutely gorgeous! i have never walked in a pair like those. i mean the stelletos. i just couldn't. hey, can i tell you about a new blog? i have followed this woman and her fairy-like gifts for years. she has a brand new blog and an on-line catalog. i love her work. her name is elaine and her business is called Bestest,Denise

  7. Okay you gals who claim you could never walk in these shoes... Tell you what.... How about if I hold a blog sister's weekend where we train you in the ways of walking in heels... I'd calling it Take Off Those Training Heels And Move Up To 4" Heels! ;)

    Just kidding -- I know they're not for everyone and I know I'm going to pay for having worn heels just about daily for the last 30 years. But you know, for now, I'm loving them and I'll wear 'em til I drop! :)

    So, any takers for the Training Heels weekend? We could skip the training and just go for coffee! ;)

    Love you guys!!


  8. I am in for the training heels weekend or just coffee! Thinkin' bout ya!

  9. One of my absolute favorite sites. The shoes you chose are fabulous!

  10. I just found your SHOE BLOG. Love it Ruth. I got the cutest pair at Stein Mart today, along with a few other gems... dress, jacket, negligee (so French...Scott will love it). I'm putting a little Ooo-La-La in my life :)

  11. Hi Ruth!!

    Absolutely LOVe your blog. Every post is gorgeous~!!
    In Elementary school there was a girl who was mean to me named Val so I don't care for the name val.
    We actually call her Sis alot because she is the middle child. Sister to both my son and daughter.
    Valencia is just so pretty I like to say it whole :)
    Thank you so much for coming by! I hope you will come see me again soon :)
    I added your blog to my sidebar.


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