Sunday, April 18, 2010

Do You LOVE Decorating Books? Well, I'm Back & It's GIVEAWAY TIME!

Ohhhh, decorating books...
fabulous, big, shiny, wonderful decorating books.
They are my downfall.

Well those -- and SHOES.  ;)

I can't even count how many 
such books I have around the house -- mostly French-style and of that,
mostly the Provencal French style (country French).

Of late, though, the books I've been ordering have been of the
Swedish decorating ilk.

And I have stocked up quite nicely on them.   

SO, I wanted to play nice and share some of them with you.

Now...let me say this right up front...


I mean, come on, how bad could a pre-owned decorating book be?
The original owner obviously has good taste and style (wink-wink) and isn't
likely to trash her books by reading them with one hand while she
knocks back a peanut butter and jam sandwich in the other.

And if she did, she'd SURELY do so with a dainty napkin, right?
(wink-wink, again).

So, I only choose "pre-loved" books that are rated as being
in at least "good" condition but I do buy just about all of my books from AMAZON 
and  I buy them from the re-sellers.

And in all my years of doing this, I've never been disappointed -- and hey,
the more money I save that way, the more I have to spend at
(Where they don't sell anything pre-owned -- thank goodness).

So, having said all this, 
below is a listing of all the books I'm parting with this time around

There are SIX fabulous decorating books in this giveaway
and they will ALL GO TO ONE WINNER.

With the exception of just one, they are all good-sized
HARDBACK books and I think you will just LOVE THEM!

Talk about inspiration!

Your pretty little head will be SWIMMING WITH INSPIRATION 
if you are the winner of these books!

And if they inspire you to totally re-do your house,

And If you're anything like me, when you get a few new books
to look at, you just HAVE to carry them with you where ever you go so
you can look at them while you're waiting somewhere, etc...


I'll throw in one of our fabulous JUTE TOTEBAGS, too!
I'll close my eyes and choose one for you!  :)

You may find it fun to go on AMAZON in your spare time
and have a look at each of these books to see what's up for grabs.  
I think you'll be happy!

(Sweden Style is a paperback book)

I will draw the winner this coming Saturday, April 24th.

Bonne chance!

It is GREAT to be back in the saddle.

I was blown away by your comments - never in my life have I felt so
undergirded, so supported, so loved and cared genuinely.

We bloggers have each other's backs, ya know?

I love that.

I love YOU.

Have fun and be sure to leave a comment to enter!!
And if you don't have a blog profile (aka, if you comment
anonymously, PLEASE, PLEASE email me separately so I can have your email
address in case you win! )  



  1. I Love Decorating Books too. I have many myself and Agree with the Gently used books too. I've found many at the book store in the $5 and $10 section too. What a Wonderful Give Away too. Love the New Banner it looks Superb. Have a Wonderful Week, XO Jamie

  2. Hi Ruth - Loved your Sephora comment! Couldn't agree more. I buy lots of "pre-loved" decorating books from Amazon as well. I just received the French Archive of Design and Decoration. Love it! You know how much I adore Swedish decor as well, so please enter me for the giveaway. How fun!

  3. Oh does the first one ever win? I hope so. I thought I would have most of the books when I started reading. Well, I have none! I love love love decorating books and magazines. I sure hope you pick number 1!
    And I'm sooo glad you are back.

  4. sooo glad your back!!I too love decorating books...would love to WIN...hope you had a great weekend~hugs

  5. LOVE any book but especially decorating books. Those are the books I don't generally splurge on and would be so much fun to actually have some.
    Love this giveaway.

  6. Oh yippee, count me in! I'm a book junky!! This is really exciting because my birthday is coming too, lol!

  7. oh Ruth...what a SUPER giveaway! I've been coveting those Swedish books for a long time..(saw them on Amazon where I get ALL my books too.) I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Hugs....SRQ Sue

  8. Oh, more decorating books...I really, really, need them! I am so hooked on the subject and books are devoured daily! What a great and generous bookshelf(night table) thank you!

  9. Amazon truly is a great source for all us book and decorating junkies. This is a great giveaway and I'd love to be entered, Thank you so much and I love those great totes!

  10. I am CRAZY for decorating books. Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  11. elaine4/19/2010

    These look like inspirational books for my daughter who is renovating her home.

    Elaine R

  12. Wonderful give-away!!! Specially the books about the Swedish style.
    I love your banner also.

  13. I would love to have ANY decorating books LOL I currently don't own any. I just started to get into decorating and design. Actually it just started when I started to blog and went from there. Thank you for this great contest.

  14. Oh yes, decorating books...definitely can't have too many. This is the most generous giveaway I've ever seen and I'm glad I found you because your blog rocks!

  15. Anonymous4/19/2010

    of course I love decorating books...and reading beautiful blogs, just like this one with decorating ideas! Your blog is beautiful and I love to drop by!

  16. This is amazing, what a GREAt give away! All of the books look fantastic.

  17. You are so generous, Ruth! Thank you for offering us a fun giveaway!

  18. I have been thinking of you...continued hugs your way.

  19. I am giddy with excitement!!!! I love Creole Thrift!!!!! I purchased it years ago and fell in love (it's actually at my bedside all the time) it is really great reading as well as beautiful pictures too ~ ;-) [Honest I do read what's written and not just drool over the pictures!]
    Love the Blog header ~ wishing every one good luck!

  20. Ruth, I love these books too and would so enjoy having one on Swedish country decor because it blends so well with French country which is how I decorate!

    I've been thinking of you since your sweet email, and hoping you are managing to fill your days with happy thoughts and sweet memories of your lovely mother ~ only time heals believe me.

    Those jute totes are gorgeous too ~ please add my name and I'll be keeping my fingers crossed!

    Blessings to you on this fine "Spring day.
    Hugs - Mary
    ........A Breath of Fresh Air

  21. Hi Ruth!
    I love, love, love your new look!
    It's simply gorgeous!
    I too love decorating books...I have shelves full of them! I must admit I don't always buy them second hand...but should!I then would have more money to spend at philosophy!
    You are so precious for having such a give-away!
    too fun!
    Have an amazing day...hope you are doing better...still have you (and your dad) on my prayer list though

    Blessings my friend,

  22. Hi Ruth,
    I've just read your previous blog about your mother's passing. I wish you energy, and patience with yourself. And rest. And kindness towards Self. And more rest.
    Regarding Amazon, my son and I have always bought used text books, and regular we resell them back via Amazon's very easy selling feature. I would love a chance to win a giveaway book - thanks. Leslie

  23. Ruth love the new blog look. I love the dragonfly dear Alexandra would love the Butterfly tote. All the decorating books look fantastic. There is nothing better than curling up on the couch and taking time to peruse decorating books. Have a great week. Molly

  24. Hello. My fingers are crossed. You simply can't have enough inspirational books around the house.

  25. Oh, Sweet Ruth...
    Pick me, pick me! I'm a book lover, nearly to a fault. I can't get enough of them! Being married to my tall, Handsome Swede, I'd love to be the lucky winner of your drawing...and the jute bags are scrumptious. I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope the stars align for this drawing. Thank you so much for your generous giveaway.
    Have a great week.

  26. I AM THRILLED THAT YOU ARE BACK! I have missed you so! I am looking forward to seeing waht you have been up to. All of these books look amazing! I would die if I won another one of your are so generous but I think someone else should get a chance...don't you;)?!

    I really just stopped by to say WELCOME BACK sweet lady!


  27. Welcome back Ruth! What a fantastic giveaway! I am also a total decorating book lover!! I could seriously browse in a bookstore for HOURS.....Hubs & I have been know to close many a bookstore!

    Take care!!


  28. Welcome back, Ruth! I love, love decorating books so I would love to be entered in this generous giveaway!


  29. Lets her it for pre-owned books, whoo, hooo. Would love to win these lovies. Glad to see your back in the saddle...Kathy H.

  30. Ruth,
    Welcome back friend!!!!! What a wonderful and generous giveaway. I just loved used books, especially DECORATING books!!! Oh, I hope I am lucky enough to win :) So glad that you are back.
    Jen @

  31. seriously...i love me a decorating book.
    What do i have to do to get that clock on the cover of that one book???

    have a great week and thanks for the chance to enter.

  32. Bonjour Ruth,
    Welcome back! Lovely books anf tote you have here, count me in. HAve a great week Ruth and take care,

  33. Anonymous4/19/2010

    welcome back. i kept peeking each day for you. hugs,Denise pretty short message for me,huh?

  34. So glad you're back! Wow! What a great giveaway! I LOVE decorating books! I have stacks and stacks of them! I would love to add these to my collection! :)


  35. Ooh decorating books, I love them.
    I could be down to my last dollar and would spend it on a decorating book or magazine!

    This is a great giveway and everyone is going to want to win, so brace yourself.


  36. So glad you are back and well. I hope every day the many memories of your mother will put a smile on your face instead of sadness in your heart. Soon I hope.

    What a givaway!! Now that's a comeback!


  37. Oh Ruth, you are a fellow TRUE book lover! Books and a bag in which to carry them- reading on the go, anywhere, everywhere, anytime... convenient inspiration, that is!

    Thanks for the chance- I LOVE Nell Hill!


  38. Hi Ruth,
    Please just toss all 'my' books in the burlap tote! Love the selection as this is my favorite decor style. And they will be all the more special as they will have your 'touch'!
    Lisa & Alfie

  39. a beautiful selection of books! I love decorating and just flipping through pages for inspiration. I stumbled on our blog today and have been having lots of fun visiting. Lovely!! Have a wonderful night! Heather

  40. It's good to have you back Ruth. :)
    I only buy preowned books as well..they are well-loved.

  41. Every one of your decorating books looks fabulous :-) I agree - gently used is the way to go & I've found many of mine at garage sales!

  42. Hi Ruth!
    Those are some nice reading!!!!I have seen but don't have any of them.......Love your tweak on your header it looks good!!! Hope you're doing ok.....Maryanne xo

  43. Welcome back, we have missed you! I adore decorating books and am a firm believer that a girl can never have too many of them :-)

    Leeann x

  44. So good to have you back!
    Love this giveaway! I've got my fingers crossed. Please come over and enter mine when you get a chance :)

  45. It's so good to see you back've been missed :o) and what a great giveaway...those books all look amazing.

  46. G'Day~Amazon Rocks! What a Sweet Giveaway, enter me Please.I am now a follower and enjoy your blog.~Cheers Kim

  47. conniepeecher@earthlink.net4/20/2010

    if i should be lucky enough to win, i will clean out a few of my decorating books and pass them on. i too, love amazon used books sight.

  48. Ruth,so glad your back....hope your feeling abit better everyday,I have thought of you often these last few weeks,talk soon! x0x00x

  49. We are glad you are back in the saddle too! Great summer reading -thanks for the chance.

  50. Anonymous4/21/2010

    hi ruth sorry about your mom passing it wount get easyer just softer with time i ordered the black wire dome over the phone as i just got g mail now have to comment as would love those decorating books nancy t at

  51. Anonymous4/21/2010

    Would love the books! Thanks for the chance to win!Brandy

  52. yaya! You are back... I am drooling over the swedish room- I have not seen that book before... sigh.

  53. Hi sweet Ruth, I would LOVE to be entered in to your wonderful giveaway!!! So many lovely have a generous heart! hugs and love, Dawn

  54. I've been looking for a new style of decorating books and I think you have chosen just the right ones to get me started on a re-do for my home! Love, love, love books of all kinds but the ones with pretty pictures are my favorite! Thanks for the chance to win!

  55. Wow! Thank you for the chance to win these books! They all look SO good! I, too, only go for the books that someone else has paid the initial "cover charge"! Hope you continue to feel the compassion and love from those surrounding you.
    ~Hugs, Heidi Ruth

  56. Anonymous4/21/2010

    Always happy to join in the fun! Love your site, sistah!! Love you even MORE!! See you Friday, girlie!

  57. Lovely blog. Thanks for the give-a-ways!
    fondly, Nancy

  58. Hey Ruth,
    I just sent you a comment and I don't know if it went through, so I will send one again. If it did, don't worry, I'm not trying to enter twice :)I just want to make sure I am entered because I NEED to win!! Decorating books are my salvation. They are my source of entertainment (how pathetic, I know)

    I do want to make sure you know how much we are happy to have you back!! Also I would absolutely die for this giveaway!! So sign me up if you haven't already. I'll be waiting for the mailman next week :)


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.