Saturday, April 24, 2010

And The Winner Of The Stash Of Books Is...

Congratulations to one sweet lady!!


Cathy, from Breathless Expectation, has won the
six decorating books that I'm giving away this time
(I say "this time" because there will be a lot
more to come in more giveaways!).

Research Randomizer Results
1 Set of 1 Unique Numbers Per Set
Range: From 1 to 59 -- Unsorted
Job Status: 
Set #1:

I am so, so happy to be sending Cathy
her books on Monday!

Cathy, enjoy them with your feet propped up and
a cup of tea or coffee in hand (or iced, as it gets warmer outside).

YAY Cathy!!

And, as I said, I already have many other fabulous coffee-table-style
decorating books set aside for "round 2" of the book giveaways,
so chances are if ya didn't win this one, you'll have loads more tries at it!   

Once again, congrats to Cathy!!



  1. Congratulations to Cathy on winning your fabulous Giveaway!

  2. Anonymous4/24/2010

    congrats! to cathy. have fun, what a thrill. Bestest,Denise

  3. I am kicking up my heels! I am dancing a jig! I am lighting firecrackers! I am singing a happy tune! I am sleeping by my mailbox until my prize(s) arrive! Thank you, Ruth!!!!!

  4. Congratulations, Cathy...Lucky Girl!
    Thanks Ruth for the chance to win your very generous giveaway.
    Have a great Sunday, girls!

  5. Congrats to Cathy!!!! What a great giveaway Ruth. Thanks again for offering up your prized books!

  6. Hooray for Cathy~sorry Im late in congratulating her, nonetheless it is heartfelt.


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