Thursday, March 4, 2010

Blogging... From A Man's Perspective: Ladies, Meet "James"

{This is the profile picture associated with 
"James'" blog called 
Man of the 50's.}

I think it's fair to say that,
whether intended or not, we gals seem to have
monopolized the world of blogging.

Perhaps it has to do with the notion among some 
(mainly our male counterparts)
that we girls simply have more talking to do than men? 
Or perhaps it is that many times we might be, by nature,
more social creatures, thriving on
relationships a bit more than they...?

Whatever it is that has causes females to
dominate the blog-writing out there, 
you must admit, it is rare that we
run across a journal-type blog that is
authored by a man.

Sure, there are blogs run by men...
they are typically the techno-related blogs or
the more political "cause-related" blogs, etc.
but as far as blogs go that are about
family, home, and
just general "life",
you just don't find many of the written by men.

But the other day, I stumbled across such a blog 
and I vowed then and there
that I was going to share it with you.

Ladies, meet "James" 
otherwise known as 

I began reading one post,
then another,
then another,
until the next thing I knew I had read page upon page 
of his posts.

His writing transports you to his realm...

 you're sitting across from him right there
in his den --
perhaps in an overstuffed English-style 
broken-in leather chair.
 Chatting, sipping tea or coffee,

You feel as though if you were to have the good fortune
to meet him in person, he would 
welcome you into his home 
with the graciousness and warmth 
that is sorely lacking these days.

His posts are the kind of posts I would
aspire to write...
They are just the right length
have wit, to be sure, 
but more importantly

He offers his take on the world and our culture from a vantage point that
we could all benefit from.

From a time when things were a bit more genteel,
and bit more civilized,
a bit more attuned to graciousness and character.

Yet, his posts are 
anything but "preachy".

Perhaps one reason I so immediately warmed up to 
"James" is his writing is so very much like that of my
sweet father-in-law, Phil.  
Phil is a professional writer and has a talent
unlike many I've known for not just writing
but simply for language.  
He speaks beautifully,
writes wonderfully, and has this very
low, almost intimidating voice that you
automatically assume would do
voice-overs and commercials.

As I read more and more of the posts on "James'" blog,
I felt as though I were reading works of my father-in-law --
I felt comfortable.

Pay "James" a visit, won't you?

And let me know if you were successful at just
doing a "drive by" visit to his blog.

I sure wasn't.

I'm fairly certain his writing will captivate you, as well.

 I became one of
his "followers" immediately 
and from the looks of
his "numbers", 
I'm not the only one he's
captivating out here in 
"ladie's blog land".  

Let's welcome this kind sir into our
"homes" and learn from him.

I think he has much to share...



  1. I am now a follower of Man of the 50's. It was refreshing in a calm sense and I thought your post was honoring to say the least for sharing it with your readers. Thank you

  2. I'll have to check it out:)!!

  3. My goodness! You are too, too kind. I'm thrilled you enjoyed my ramblings. You and your site have have joined my list of blogs that show there is still class and beauty in our world. After a trip into the disposable, Styrofoam wrapped and dingy world isn't wonderful to have people like you to visit and unwind with. I think I would like your father in law, but all we share is that I have a deep voice also! Thank you so much for this post.

  4. Thanks, Ruth! I will look forward to visiting James (from his photo, he looks like someone in Hollywood but I can't recall the actor's name!) I have enjoyed reading a gentleman's blog for a year or so now, and it refreshes, too!

  5. I thought this was the guy that played the father on the Gilmore Girls... Richard Gilmore... can't remember his real name.

    I will check out his blog now. A male blog... I'm excited!

    Thanks Ruth for sharing.

  6. Bonjour Ruth,
    I'm happy to say I am already a follower of James and his wonderful blog. It is such a breath of fresh air and I love all those loving posts he does on his adorable grandsons...from a man's perspective!
    Bon weekend!

  7. James is great I have been with him from his first post.

  8. Where did you find him? What a jewel! Thank you, I am now a follower.

  9. I'll check his blog out after I'm through looking at all your wonderful posts! Glad I found you!

  10. yeah, i thought that was the father from "ritchie rich" sadly though, the music reminds me of the last time I was in Paris and I went to the Lido. It was an interesting time warp and I don't think I was drunk enough to enjoy the entire show.

  11. Anonymous3/06/2010

    Great post Ruth. I am now a follower of him as well. Love his take on things!

  12. James and his blog are just wonderful! It's comforting to know that there are men like James still out there. As a long-time follower of James', I love to read about others singing his praises like I do!
    What a great blog you have, I will definitely be back!

  13. I love his blog. I so enjoy reading his perspective on things and I find him to be such a gentle soul. It's a joy to have a blog to read written by a man.

  14. A male blogger....why I never!!!!! You are so right,it does seem to be a woman thing..I am going to go and check his out! Thanks,talk to you soon Ruth! x0x0

  15. Anonymous3/25/2010

    You're absolutely right; you can't read just one post! I'm hooked! Love the way he writes and having a man's perspective on this wonderful adventure called life! Keep thinking, James!!



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