Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Songs In The Key Of Life...

I don't have as much free time as I did maybe 10 years ago...

and that's okay -- I love what I'm doing now.

But every now and then,

 I pass by the room where my piano is

and I sort of sigh to myself 

and wonder what ever happened to the hours I'd spend 

sitting there playing just for myself...

no one home -- 

just playing for the sake of playing.

I decided today that those keys and I will get reacquainted...

My sheet music is hopelessly out of date, 

but that's okay

because I enjoy picking out a tune on the piano from memory and


I'm not great at it, I can somewhat 

just play by ear 

(hear a song enough times and then sort of knock it out on the piano)

so for now, I'll make do and

play the music

in my soul...

There are many such "lost arts" of mine --

glass painting




floral arranging

crafting of all kinds...

But for now, 

I'll turn my attention to one of my

greatest loves of all --


Do you have a "lost art" 

that has been lying dormant too long??


That was the alarm clock ringing ---

it's time for YOUR "lost art"

to awaken again.   




You are loved,



  1. You are so right! It is such a wonderful thing to discover lost loves~art of any kind!
    I can get so lost in the work side of my profession...I forget to do what I love because I love doing it!
    (I have always wished I could play the piano) I'm glad you are making time to get reaquainted with such a lovely gift
    Have a wonderful evening...blessings dear friend, donna

  2. Beautiful post the sheet music!!
    I should take time to dance some more, I love it, that is my lost art!
    Have a wonderful evening!

  3. I used to play concerto-s ... I miss the ability ... the old saying is true ... if you don't use it you lose it ... I'm sad

  4. I was just thinking the same thing about my piano! I hardly ever sit down to play anymore. And I, too, can hear a song and plunk it out with some chords on the piano :) Maybe tomorrow, I'll dig out some sheet music and play myself a little ditty. Thanks for the reminder...I think my piano misses me.

  5. Oh..I would love to be able to play the piano.....such a gift.

    You are so right...everyday,sometimes gets in the way of enjoying the gifts we have :)

  6. I used to sing professionally for about 10 years...I took a break when I got pregnant (I was doing mostly casinos and bars) to stay away from the smoke. I miss singing SO much! I can't even get out for karaoke anymore LOL! Love that you play's my favorite instrument!!! I used to play by ear and could read a SMALL bit of sheet music : )

  7. Funny... the pianos around here have all been turned into bars.... ;0)

    Ruth, I've just given you the Sunshine Award! {no, it's not about weather....} Visit my blog to see:

  8. How wonderful!!! Now you go play that music too:)

  9. I walk by my lone piano too, and sigh...

    I think we all need to take more time for the lost arts. My problem is, everything I'm interested in is new. I was never an artsy type person in the past, other than creating great b-day parties for my kids.

    I'm all over the place now, just trying to find what I really like... it's crazy but fun.

    Great post.

  10. Hi Ruth,
    I have a Sunshine Award for you,too. Love your site and blog.
    -Robin King

  11. I have a piano that I don't play nearly enough! My husband is always encouraging me to play and I somehow never get around to it.

    Okay, today I'm going to sit down and play - thanks for inspiring me!

  12. Bonjour Ruth,

    I do believe you are talking to me. There are so many things I have let slide...playing piano and violin used to be a part of my daily routine. I guess life has a way of stepping in (excuses?)

    But recently I have started painting again and writing a bit, I know we all need more hours in the day but it's important to start today just one thing that we love.

    Enoy your music and Merci for the inspiration Ruth!


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