Friday, December 4, 2009

We've Wrapped Up The Giftwrap Giveaways!

{Beautiful rosette candle holders sold
here. I chose this picture mainly because
I just think it's beautiful. That's all. :) }

Congratulations to Jackie of Wren's Nest and Nancy of The Feathered Nest!

Jackie will get the Eiffel Tower ensemble and Nancy will get the grey Jeanne d'Arc Living ensemble.

And that about wraps it up! {Pun INTENDED}

Thank you to all who played along -- and as always, don't worry if you didn't win this one.

There is always another giveaway just around the corner!! :)

You can never tell who's number will come up and be chosen -- next time it might just be YOU!
Wishing you a wonderful 1st December weekend!

Stay warm!



  1. NO WAY!!! I can't even believe it, Ruth - thank you thank you!! I am so excited - a perfect end to a great week!!

  2. Congrats to the winners! Thank you Ruth for your generous spirit!
    Happy holidays! Laura

  3. cozy and mozey quote my grandson!!

    I'm interested in the latest edition of the the jeanned'arc ...which one is it...thank you

  4. Congratulations to the winners! What great gifts.

  5. Lucky girls!!! Have a great day,0x0x

  6. That is a gorgeous image! And I am just like you - I always think I'll start early and put up some Christmas decorations in late November but usually only manage to do it about now!!


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