Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas From My House To Yours...

My, my this has been a long time coming... and when you see the picture quality (or should I say severe LACK of quality) you'll wonder why I even bothered!  ;)

I snapped these pics last week and have only just culled through them and edited what I felt were the most "viewable" -- which should tell you a little something about how bad the rest were!!   

I took these pics during the evening and that was my biggest mistake, and since then I've just not found the time to go back and retake them -- and in some cases, I've alway tweaked some of the vignettes and I actually like the "tweaked way" better, but again, no time to do new pics -- but that's okay.   

But all in all, in kind of a little stroll through some of the house... we'll start on the porch then come in and peek into some of the rooms and around some corners...  

The party we had last Friday night (given by my daughter and a friend of hers) was HUGE but also a huge success -- let me tell you.... Those "kids" (well, they're all at least college-age) made us proud.  

They all brought in food, set up the kitchen as their buffet area, had the drink station and all dining tables out on our porches; they moved the furniture from two rooms inside to make a "dance floor" among other things they did around the house to set up for their party.

Well, when the hubs and I walked back into the house after "camping out" in our carriage house/barn building during the party ---- EVERYTHING was cleaned up, put back to normal, all furniture put in its rightful place, all the rented tables on the porches were cleaned off, removed and carted away and my kitchen was spotless.  

Now I ask you, how many parties have you had for "grown-ups" where your home was left like that?  

It was as if there was never even a party -- except for the lovely decor they bought and added just for the night.  Much of that is still out for our enjoyment. 

Don't let people give that age group a bad rap -- I can tell you that the group we had here (upwards of 70 that night) was among the finest representing that demographic!  ;)

Well,  Merriest of Christmas Wishes to you ALL!

We plan to open presents here at home tomorrow morning (FUN!) and then drive about 
an hour over to be with our folks -- looking forward to spending more time with my mom and dad.

And I cannot end this post without thank you all for your unbelievably sweet comments, well-wishes and prayers regarding my mother.  I soooo feel your love and for that I cannot thank you enough.

I'll post more about it all later, as I said in a previous post.  For now, it's still time to just
enjoy .... 




  1. merry christmas ruth!

  2. Merry, Merry Christmas, Ruth! I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday!


  3. Merry Christmas to you and your family Ruth. Always such a Delight and Inspiration with such kind words and encouragement.xo Jamie

  4. Merry Christmas Ruth! I wish you and your family the happiest of times.

  5. Merry, Merry Christmas Ruth! Your home looks gorgeous (as always ;)
    Love back to you ~Tracie

  6. oh so grand! thank you very much for taking the time to share with us. it was ever so spectacular. that takes a lot of time to do. i plan to return and view again. it is so inspiring, could be shown in one of the decor mag. i will wish you yours again to have a very blessed Christmas. Bestest,Denise

  7. Loved the slide show! Everything is so warm and inviting! Happy Christmas Ruth!
    Cheers! - Julie

  8. Beautiful!

    Merry Christmas to you too!

    Love your front doors!!

    Kay Ellen

  9. Ruth... First of all... Merry Christmas. Been praying for you and your family.
    Second... I feel like I've been on a tour of the most beautiful home in the world. I hope you leave these pics up awhile, I want to copy... oops... study... many of your vignettes. They speak to me.
    See you in the new year.

    Love ya,
    Thanks for always being you,

  10. Merry Christmas Ruth! I wish health and happiness in the New Year for you and your family!

  11. Merry Christmas, Ruth. That was certainly a blog-worthy group! What great young people.
    Wishing you the best this year.

  12. Merry Christmas!!!!

  13. Merry and bright! And a sled-full of love!

  14. Merry Christmas Ruth!

    Your home is gorgeous! I love all your Christmas decorations!


  15. Merry Christmas Ruth...
    ooo xxx
    Cathleen alyce

  16. Wishing you a very merry Christmas, with lots of blessings--Gypsy Purple--Chamara

  17. Oh my Ruth!!! Your home is stunning!!! I have watched the slideshow more times than I can count...every detail is perfection!!! I wish you could come recreate this beautiful look at my house...I love it all!!!

    I am so glad that I popped over here made my evening!!!

    I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas!!!

    Enjoy the New Year!!!


  19. Ruth I hope your Christmas was wonderful!!! Wishing you all the very best for the new year! X0 Chrissy

  20. Loved the tour...your home is gorgeous! Sending you and your family blessings for a wonderful Christmas...and New Year.

  21. Your home is just gorgeous. All the little touches you have added are amazing! I love the painted floors. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas...and thanks for sharing photos of your beautiful home.

  22. Hello Ruth!
    I hope you are enjoying the holidays! I am so happy you came to visit me. Thank you so much for your sweet compliments and comments!
    You are such a doll!!!!!
    I just saw your slide show. HELLO....your home is amazing!! You have such a knack for decorating. I just love all your trees, the one with the books was so neat. How do you get them to stay?
    All your vignettes are so well executed and are so fun to look at. You really need to go through it several times to appreciate all of its loveliness :) What's really neat is your home itself, regardless of the holiday decorations. It is truly magnificent.I really love all the floors, especially the one in what looks to be the foyer...white and distressed. I LOVE IT!!
    I'm sure you have put in a great deal of blood, sweat and tears to make it so amazing! I'm sure your cart is loving its new home, it soooo belongs there!
    As far as your daughter goes, you should be so proud of her. There needs to be more kids like her. But as I am always saying, it starts with the parents. It's a true testament to you that you have done your job raising her. You have obviously taught her the right values. You can tell she even made the right choices for friends. My hat's off to you, you've done your job well! You have every reason to be proud. I have an 18 year old daughter, much the same. That stuff doesn't just "happen".
    Yes, you have to have a great child to begin with, but hey, even they can go off track without being taught the right values. Now you get to sit back and reap the rewards!! Enjoy her AND your whole family. I hope you are getting to spend time with your parents, especially your mom!
    I wish you a Happy New Year. One filled with peace, happiness, health, great times and great memories.
    Did you happen to notice your crowns in my candle vignettes? I just love them! They fit on my mercury glass candle votives perfectly!! I'm in love :).....hmm,could go for more. I smell a birthday gift wish list :)

  23. I'm glad you had a lovely Christmas Ruth! The ornament your husband gave you sounds so very lovely and truly special!! Gifts from the heart are the best kind :)

    Your home is beautiful!!!

    Blessings for a peaceful, prosperous, and blessed new year!

    :) T

  24. Wow, completely gorgeous!...every detail. Your creamy white piano is so lovely.

  25. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I love your post and your porch made me smile. I loved your bit in RH issue - you are a Romantic! :-) Hope 2010 brings you much peace and romance.

    Take care of yourself - others are counting on you.


  26. What?!?!?! your porch is so cute! you did good! LOL I love your blog and the name is beautiful!


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