Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Just Sprinkled The Shop With A Few New Things...

Just a quickie post to let you know, if you are interested, that we just added a few
new things to the New Items page online...

Well, okay -- now that I think about it, they are actually "blasts from the past" as they
have been stocked before, just not for a while.

A fabulous rust-finish and mercury glass "Bird Ball" hanging piece.
The HUGE 2-foot square burlap French sack pillow covers.

And a rustic Recycled Wood Display Box with Glass Lid.
There is more to put up on the site, but, well -- it just isn't done yet. :)

Still trying to get my own home decorated and maybe even consider shutting off
shipping of orders soon -- so I can tend to some very important family matters...

I'll post more later -- truly I will -- but for now, if you don't hear from me as much,
or you call and can't get me as readily at the shop, or your emails don't get replied to
quite as swiftly, it's not that I don't care -- it's that I have something I very much care
about that I must attend to.

My family.

I won't write it all out on this post (this "quickie post") but I want to share with you
that my mother is quite ill and it's time for me to make time to see her while I can...

I know you understand.

I will let you know when I will be shutting down shipping -- but until then, you may want
to think about whatever you'd like shipped sooner than later (boy, that sounds bossy), just so
we have time to get it out to you.

Thanks so much for understanding -- and for your sweet, sweet friendship.
What would a gal do without her friends?

If I can get this house decorated, I'll post some pics real quick! :)

Signing off for now -- hope you enjoy the few new goodies in the store.!



  1. Ruth, I'll be thinking about you and your mom ~ I'm so sorry that she's ill. You're in my prayers, sweet friend!

  2. Oh, Ruth, bless you. I will be holding your Mom in my thoughts and prayers. Take care.


  3. Bonjour Ruth!
    So sorry your Mother is not feeling well, you will be in my prayers. Do take care of everything and spend time with your family - that is what is most important!
    Take care!

  4. Hi Ruth,
    I am sorry to hear your Mom is ill. I will be praying for you both.
    Take care, Laura

  5. Hey Sweet Ruth!
    You know I'm here for you...Love the newby's
    in the store...
    You always have such great stuff!

    Have a wonderful evening...your friend...donna

  6. take care dear of your Mom and yourself ... everything will wait, but family needs come first. we get it ... do you have help at the shop?

  7. Oh, so sorry to hear about your mama. I'll be thinking of her and you and your family thru this time.


  8. Ruth,
    So sorry to hear about your Mom.You are so wise to take the time you need to spend time with her.I will pray that you will get some special time with your mom.Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.Until then, I will be lifting you all up in prayer! Karen

  9. Oh Ruth! Buckets of love to you, sweet friend. I'm dumping them on you right now. That's a fuzzy shawl I'm draping over your shoulders, and a cup of hot tea I'm placing in your hands. And the whispers? That's just me talking to God about you and your mom. xoxo

  10. Ruth you have been on my mind a lot lately and hoping all is okay. So sorry to hear about your mother, I do hope she is feeling better soon.
    Wishing you a holiday season filled with love and time spent with all who are the most important.
    Hugs ~ Rebecca

  11. Dear Ruth:
    Sending healing prayers for your mum. Be well.

  12. Ruth,

    Enjoy this time with your mom and I will be praying for her. Merry Christmas.


  13. Hi Ruth,

    Family is everything. I will be asking for favor over your mom's health.
    Hubby's mom has been ill for some time and he shuffles back and forth to Co. as often as possible.
    Remember to take care of yourself as well.


  14. Your new pieces are gorgeous !! Ruth, I'm so sad , your mum is ill , I will be praying for you and her

  15. take heart strong one! ~ for God is on your side ~ and we know thru Him, we CAN do all things...
    as for the rest of us, we've got your back! I send you sweetness and joy dear Ruth...

  16. Dearest Ruth,
    I will be lighting a candle to the beautiful Madonna I got from you earlier this year, and I will say a special prayer for your Mom. I did the same for my Dad yesterday, as he had heart surgery and all went well. Have a peaceful and happy holiday. Love and best wishes to you, my friend.

  17. Ruth...I am thinking of you and praying for your mom.

    Sending you big hugs, my friend.


  18. Hi Ruth!
    Your new things at the shop are delightful. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season and Peter and I will keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers..Your proirities are in the right place. Everyone will get it... Maryanne

  19. I'm so glad you posted about your mom..
    my thoughts and prayers are with you ruth!

  20. Hi Ruth,
    I already posted earlier, but did not want another day to go by without mentioning how absolutely beautiful and stunning the gift wrap was. It was the most perfect french provencal ensemble ever!! The paper was so beautiful I could wallpaper a room with it! I have never won a thing in my entire life, so thank you for choosing me:)))))
    xo, Deborah

  21. by all means~family first! the THINGS can wait. my prayers are with all of you. Blessings! Denise

  22. I'll be holding both you and your dear Mom close in prayer. You know that I love you, call me if you need ANYTHING.


  23. Ruth,
    i send you all my good energie and my thoughts. Take care and be strong!
    and about photos and those thiny stuff...I just love them!

    lots of love
    magdalena/color sepia

  24. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom...sending you love and prayers.

  25. Bonjour Ruth! Just wanted to drop by and let you know I'm thinking of you and your family, and your dear mother is in my prayers.
    Take care!

  26. Ruth~Prayers for your dear mom from me to you. I'm so sorry that she is ill.
    The new items are lovely & I'm off to have a look. I'm sure your customers will understand if you need to tend to your mom. Sending hugs your way! xo chris p.s. I am smiling that we own the very same things! :)

  27. You're in my thoughts, Ruth. Family is definitely first at all times. Love to you. ~Tracie

  28. Ruth...I hope your Mom is o.k.I will be thinking about you!!Your treasures are lovely by the way!! x0x0x

  29. Nothing more important than family.
    Take care of yourself and the important things in life.

  30. Oh, that mercury glass ornament is true beauty! But who am I kidding, EVERYTHING your store has is beauty! I have to say, I'm especially excited as today I'm finally giving the Jeanne d' Arc copies to my friend for Xmas. I know I've been hanging on to them (and perusing through them) for months, but giving them away will be the best gift, because I know she will love them dearly. Thank you for being part of that joy.


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