Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Beautiful Life's Version Of "Black Friday" Shopping!

I've never been one to be among the hoards lining up at 5AM for the
after-Thanksgiving-sales. I barely get out of the house on time for church on
Sunday, so hanging out in the dark on the sidewalk to save a few bucks... not
gonna happen.

SO, for all of you would also rather cozy up at home with a cup of coffee and a
slice of left-over pumpkin pie the morning after Thanksgiving, I have a deal for you...

Use coupon code THANKFUL during checkout at The Beautiful from now
until midnight next Wednesday (Nov. 25th) and save 20% off your entire order.

Top that off with the fact that you always get FREE ground shipping and you've got
yourself NO REASON to be standing in line before the crack of dawn.

It's my way of letting you know I am so thankful for each of you who takes time
all year long to read my ramblings and shop my store. I don't say it often
enough -- I'm thankful for you and treasure each of you.

So, now's your chance to score that special something you may have had your eye on in the shop, as well as get all the
hostess gifts, teacher gifts,
gifts for moms, sisters, and BFF's
that you still need to buy
and get it all accomplished BEFORE
silly "black Friday" even gets here!

Your purchases will arrive on your doorstep in no time flat and you will not have even
had to leave your house or your cozy robe.

Now THAT is what I call savvy shopping!
And you can start now -- well before
your neighbors head off under cover of dark next Friday morning
to battle the crowds and cold!

I'm thankful for all of YOU --
hope you enjoy your little "gift" from me in the way
of a bit of savings on your shopping.



  1. Oh fun! Thank YOU. <3 I have been eying something in your store for a bit now. :) Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Your always thinking of us...your such a to check on some things I've been eying.

  3. Anonymous11/21/2009

    now this is a great idea! I'm not participating in black friday this year! Your idea is so much more appealing!

  4. My kind of shopping! You are the sweetest!

  5. I don't think I can resist this sale!!

  6. I'm with you - I don't do 5 a.m. to fight crowds and save a few dollars. Thanks so much for your
    kindness to your shoppers. Happy Thanksgiving.
    Nancy N.

  7. i had never been one to venture out on black friday until a few years ago when my young adult daughters thought it might be a fun girls time. it was. then my son and husband joined in as well. still fun. i don't know that we ever really bought all that much. we just loved being together, meeting up later for lunch, and laughing. i no longer shop this day but, work in a lovely shop called faded elegance (i noticed your link). i enjoy our Christmas open house and greeting all of our wonderful customers as they search for just the right gift or special item that completes their decor.

  8. Now, you know I am not going to pass this up! Thank you sweet Ruth!


  9. Very kind and generous of you Ruth!!! I'm definitely not one to line up at 5am, but I do like to be out amongst the Chritmas hussle for a little while, with my SB latte in hand. After that, I do most of my shopping online!!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    :) T

  10. now this is my idea of black friday!!
    p.s. did you get my email?

  11. I'm with you Ruth ~ I hate Black Friday shopping! Love your idea better.
    Still gonna fight traffic I am affraid though...Off to Long Island Early Friday morning to watch the kids run xcountry and see my sis and her family!
    Happy Thanksgiving if I don't get back here before Thursday.
    ~ Rebecca

  12. ooh, I like this kind of shopping -- beautiful things AND I can still stay in my warm jammies and drink my coffee. And no traffic/parking snafu!


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