Saturday, October 10, 2009

"SUPER-SIZE ME!" A Few FAB Things "In-Store" For You!

We just can't get enough BLACK & WHITE eye candy
at The Beautiful Life...

Our exclusive Mathematicus Pillow range -- now featuring bold black & white colorways and our alway-favorite: numbers... Click HERE to go!

They've been on the site for a little while now but bold, graphic quality of the new "mail bags" made me want to share them again.

Of course, we love, love, love the neutral, rustic look of vintage recycled wood and nowhere do those elements come together better than in this incredible, and VERY LARGE handle-topped

I'm so happy with the newest things that have come in and though I still have LOTS more to photograph and show you, I at least wanted to get the giant bags and the very large wooden stand up here so you could see them...

Hope you're having an excellent weekend...



  1. There you are! I was a little worried!
    I love, love ,love these mail carrier bags!
    and that 3 tier stand is way too cool as well! I can see where your beautiful store can be a wonderful addiction!(Like all true addictions...we keep coming back for more!
    Have a restful Sunday!

  2. Those mail bags are perfect. They're now officially on my Christmas list! :)

  3. Ruth! These are awesome! I love them! Oh, and that stand.... gorgeous!!! how am I going to convince my hubby I need another bag, another pillow and a new stand to hold all my baby white pumpkins???? Love it all, girlie! Can't imagine what else you have coming!

    Enjoy your Sunday!


  4. the bags are so awesome! Wow, what great items you have!


  5. The bags and the pillows have me swooning... utterly adorable. Happy weekend,

  6. Love the bags...the graphics are fantastic!

  7. Ohhh, I love those bags. I think they would be too big for me, I'd look like a twelve year old papergirl. But I do think they're absolutely mahhhvelous. If they ever come in a smaller size, I'll keep an eye out!

  8. The black bags are definitely HUGE, but that's okay since they are not meant to take the place of a purse-type bag. These are more like luggage, they're so big!! :)

    I'll clarify this on our website and the blog post! Thanks for the heads-up that maybe I made it sound like they were purses instead of giant totes! :)



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