Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Few More Newbies To The Store...

Just added more goodies
on the store site --

Thought you might like to know.


Bird-shaped tags...

and stand-up placecards/mini-signs...

These really great cream & black enamel numbers - sets of 3.
You knew we couldn't resist more numbers...

So if you're so inclined, all these can be found on the New Items page on
the site .

Oh, one more thing in the way of a
If you have an outstanding pre-order for
anything (products/books) the new
estimated time of arrival is now
toward the END of October...
I'm so sorry!
But... the crate of goodies
is now over water and on
it's way here,
that much is sure.
If you have an issue #5 magazine
that you are waiting for,
it is either on it's way to you
via USPS as of this writing,
or for orders placed within the last one or
two days, your order will ship
in the next day or so.

The volume of issue #5 we've sold
is unprecedented and we are
awaiting yet another case of them
(due to arrive as early as tomorrow).

Amazing what happens when something
is printed in your own language!


I have it on good authority from the gals
at Jeanne d'Arc Living that all future
books will also be available in
English!!! Woo-hoo!

Hope your week has been off to a good start.

I hope to begin the "mini facelift" of my kitchen maybe tomorrow,
beginning with taking some "before" pics, so I
can bring you all along with me
as I tackle the project.

Just keep in mind,
when I say "mini" facelift --
I mean

But, paint never fails to transform, so off I go and
we shall see what magic I can work with a brush and a little
grey-green paint...

I'll keep you posted!

Your friend,



  1. Hi Ruth! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog for a visit!!!

    You gotta love (not) the delays with Jeanne d' Arc - yikes - it's enough to make you pull your hair out...it's a good thing we all love their stuff so much :)

    Love your new zinc bird tags!

    Have a graet week...

    :) T

  2. i love the tags...especially the upright ones.

  3. Oh, I love seeing new things in your shop! And your music is always perfect :)

    ps! I used my beautiful Paris stamps on cards for my daughter's volleyball team last night...who knew a big candy bar could be so magnificient wrapped in a cello bag with ribbon and a beautifully stamped tag?!

  4. Cathy, Cathy, Cathy.... A "big candy bar" looks good no matter HOW it's presented!! ;)

    So glad you're enjoying the stamps! That's what I was aiming for. ;)



  5. Hi Ruth!!!
    I am so in love with the new zinc stuff!
    (I'm sure I will be ordering before the end of the week!)
    I think I'm more excited to hear your really getting started on the kitchen facelift!
    (I'm here if you need help with the paint thing, not that you need any, but I'm here none the less)
    I bet Olivia is thrilled as well!
    remember...You've already made the tough decision...your doing it!
    And you decided on a color scheme Everything else is just icing on that cake
    Hope you have a fantastic day dear friend...dj

  6. Ruth,

    Just wanted you to know that I so enjoyed my Jeanne d'Arc Living in English! I would love it no matter what, but it was great to read each article and have a story to go with the luscious photos! Keep 'em coming!

  7. Hi Ruth! Been so busy I feel I have missed out on so much news (actually trying to design prom centerpieces for May while getting ready for Halloween!)
    Love the mini stand up placecards ~ Zinc is always lovely.
    Cannot wait to see the mini makeover!
    ~ Rebecca


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