Sunday, September 20, 2009

English Version of Jeanne d'Arc Living Fall Issue (#5) Is Winging It's Way To You (if you pre-ordered...)

It's h-e-r-e!!

It's in English!!

And it's


And if you have already pre-ordered your copy from the site, be checking your mail box soon!

In the time since I first posted that the issue was being printed in English, etc., I have added more and more cases of the issue to our order with Jeanne d'Arc Living.

Guess what?

As of right now, we are officially SOLD OUT!


Not to worry -- I've got another round of them on order and so I'll leave the page up on the site and when the next supply arrives, we can then fill the next round of pre-orders.

Among the pages of beautiful eye-candy on the pages of this new issue are these two pages -- both containing things that we currently have on order with Jeanne d'Arc Living and hope to have in stock here by early October.
They aren't up on the site yet, but soon!


  1. oh, everyone will be excited now. inspiration is on it's way. does not take too much to make us happy,right? besest,Denise

  2. so exciting... i knew i should not have procrastinated and preordered! now i have to wait!!
    it's worth it though!!!

  3. Yippee!! Looking forward to it!!

  4. i'm so excited!!!

  5. I can't wait - I will be checking my mailbox obsessively!

    I love what you wrote about your daughter - so beautifully expressed.


  6. Oh wow! I've never heard of this before but the photos you previewed are gorgeous!! I just found your blog and am loving it here.

  7. I got an email from you letting me know mine was on it's way!!! I'm so... excited! It's one of the few magazines out there that I find inspiration on every page.(I do miss magazines!) But I'm very thankful that I'm learning about blogging. So...many inspiring people live here in blogland!

  8. Yep, I pre-ordered from you, too!
    Will be looking for it any day now!

  9. Hi Ruth! Thank you for stopping by the cottage...The question about my kitchen cabinets? Well, the answer is NO!!, they did not come that way! I painted them!(and distressed them and put a finishing paste on them) If you would like...I will e-mail you the step by steps. (They were oak before I did this and countertop was pale pink...for my nana)I'm hoping that today is the day I get my magazine I'll check as soon as I get home from the store. Have a wonderful Day!

  10. OH....your killing me,in ENGLISH to boot!!! One of these days I am going to treat myself to one,have a great day Ruth!! 0x0x0x

  11. Thank you for stopping by in our blog shop!

    Do you want to buy this metal box? :O)
    If you do, I will find out how to ship it to Us the cheapest way.

    Please tell me if you want to buy it.

    Liv :O)


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