Saturday, August 8, 2009

Spreadin' The Love -- Blog Love, That Is...

Photo above courtesy of A Vintage Mood online store.

With every blog award I get, I not only feel so thankful that someone thought of me and my blog, but I then also get so excited at having another chance to share with you guys some of my favorite blog-stops out there -- since I always like to pass my blog award on to others.

I was recently awarded the "Spread The Love" Award by Ann over at A Vintage Mood Blog.

Have you ever been to Ann's blog? How about Ann's shop, A Vintage Mood?

See those FABULOUS printer's blocks that spell out Paris and Vintage? They're from Ann's online shop

and well, sorry, if you go looking for them they might be sold out....

'cause I own them! YIPPEE!!

I love everything I've purchased from A Vintage Mood and you SO owe it to yourself to stop by both her blog and her online store!!

Below are just a few of my favorite blogs that I'm happy, happy, happy to pass a little blog-love on to.

Come along with me and let's pay them each a visit, shall we...?

*Also visit her online shop via her blog!!

This list doesn't even scratch the surface of all the blogs I love.... trust me....

I hope you'll stop by each one and really take some time and read through them --
you'll be glad you did! :)

I'll be back with maybe some pics from my Olivia's trip to China
and some news about things in the shop!

Happy Weekend!



  1. Thank you so much Ruth, but I don't know what you meant by 'pick it up'. Was I supposed to look at it or do something with it? Sorry to be so lame.

    Thanks again for the mention!!!!


  2. Oh what a wonderful surprise! Thank you Ruth as I realize that there are so many deserving sites in the blog universe. Coming from one whose site I adore really means so much.
    Happy Twirls

  3. Oh, thank you so much for including me in your list. Off to visit the others.

  4. this truley made my day! I love those awards , getting them and giving them.. not cz they look kinda nice displayed in my blog , but it is always a great way to make new friends and better networking with ppl!

    so thank you for introducing me to new friends too!

  5. Thank you Ruth for sharing such wonderful places to go. It's been great for a stormy Sunday afternoon. Wishing you a great week!
    ~ Rebecca

  6. Thank you so much, Ruth!
    What a wonderful surprise. You made my Sunday.
    Have a wonderful week.


  7. Fabulous Blogs! Can't wait to see the pictures from Olivia's trip and to hear all about what's new with the shop. Looking forward to getting my mag, too!


  8. Thanks so much Ruth for thinking of me...I'm blushing :o)

  9. glad you agree,I am sick to bits of summer,its 44 here today with the humidex,awful!! Going to go check out those blogs,thanks,always on the hunt for good ones,talk soon,Chrissy

  10. don't have time now, but will go visit them later....

    can't wait!

  11. You're too kind Ruth, what nice words you said. Can't wait to see Olivia's China photos. xoxo Ann

  12. So excited! Got my magazine yesterday! Loving it!


  13. Hey you...glad you came by...freebies eh?? can I tell them I want to paid in Jeanne d'arc Living products??? hope you are well,talk to you soon,0xx0


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