Monday, August 24, 2009

"English Spoken Here!" We give you....Jeanne d'Arc Living Magazine #5 in ENGLISH!

Well, it is official.

Beginning with the very next issue -- issue #5, the Fall issue -- we will begin carrying Jeanne d'Arc Living magazine

in it's

English version!

How 'bout THAT?

Now I ask you... is that not the epitome of "ask and you shall receive?"

I honestly didn't think it would happen THIS quickly!

But that's okay! The magazine will be 100% in English -- no Danish text now.

We already have our order in for that issue and we'll have the magazine up on the site soon for pre-orders (I'll let you know when it goes up) and I fully expect it to go quickly --

1.) because it is their Fall issue and we all want to see how the Danes do Fall ...


2.) since it is now going to be in English, it will appeal to many who previously held back on ordering the magazine because of it being in Danish.

I'm SO excited about this and just wanted to let you in on it...

Have a great day!



  1. Yay! I can't believe it! I thought, okay, maybe somewhere down the road, probably next year, but the very next issue! This just made my day! :)

    Thank you to the magazine and thank you Ruth for helping make this happen!


  2. Hey Adrienne, Thanks! So glad you're happy about it!

    I have to say, though... I seriously doubt I had any hand in the overall decision. Maybe just helped them confirm it was going to be a good decision once they decided to do it? Who knows, I'm just psyched they did! :)

    Have a great day!!


  3. Whoo hoo! Let us know when it is up on the site - I have to order it!

  4. That's fantastic! I suppsoe next on my wish list would be that it would become widely available at Barnes and Noble or Borders....but I'll savor this victory and get my order in for issue #5!

    All the best,

  5. AWESOME!... I was one of those who held back because I could not read theis visions and thoughts on their design perspective and such. So please put me down 4 the next issue in ENGLISH... Enjoy your day your store and blog are truly awesome :)


  6. How wonderful is that...I'll be first in line to get one :o)

  7. I'll buy one, too :)

  8. So excited to hear your news! I'll look forward to ordering a copy.

  9. Love this publications !!

    Just wondering if you can do a Pre- pre-order LOL. I ordered the last one and would lovve to order this one too.

    Let me know the best way to make sure to find out when they come in.

    Would really appreciate that !

    Chantilly Grace

  10. I get giddy when I read your blog and see all your amazing things. It's seriously putting a damper on my productivity at work... and I love it! Jeanne d'Arc in English -- WANT.

  11. Haha! Tell me about it!! Blogs are THE biggest time-eater (well, next to Facebook!). :)



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