Monday, July 20, 2009

A Twist On "Music Monday" -- Bet you didn't know I could dance...

My daughter has made it safely to China and is having the time of her life.

Though I've gotten only two very short emails from her, one contained a bit of information that has me fearing she may decide to give her return flight ticket away to someone and stay there! Here's basically what she said:

"Mom, I have three words: Two. Story. Starbucks."

Oh, nice... that totally competes with our local 24 hour Starbucks.


I'll never see her again...


Okay...At the risk of appearing totally unprofessional, I thought I'd brighten your Monday morning and share this completely silly video of my sweet guy Nicodemus and I.

Hopefully, you'll still read my blog after this.... ;)

Enjoy! And be sure to make a "Beggin' Time" video of you & your pet! Post it on your blog! I promise I'll come see it! C''s fun!

P.S. I promise to be back SOON with news and pic of new items being added that YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS!

Happy Monday!

Be sure to FIRST go over to the left-side bar and pause the music-player before clicking "play", otherwise both will be playing at once and that's no fun...
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  1. Ruth, I am so glad your daughter is safely in China and having a good time! Love your video - it made me laugh out loud! We know exactly what begging time is like around here!

  2. Well, two sighs of relief: one, agreeing with you that Olivia is there, and the other -- that you liked the video post!

    You never know... :)

    Thanks, Claudia!!


  3. Cute Ruth and Nico!

    Working on my blog with my new book, Blogging for Bliss, which I wouldn't have known about, other than you becoming a fan! Ran out and got it last night at B&N.

    I'll let you know when I'm up and running.

  4. Oh Ruth, so glad she arrived safe and sound....I miss you,its been forever since you have come by!!! Talk soon,Chrissy

  5. What a great video, Ruth... I didn't know you were THAT great a dancer and Nicodemus too! I will have to do a video with my sweet Zeke - thank you for the giggle, I love it! So good to hear Olivia is in China safely with that two story Starbucks. I am on top of the world, my order from you is scheduled to arrive tomorrow :) I Can't Wait. Happy Monday!

  6. Anonymous7/20/2009

    I just found your wonderful blog and store and just purchased a door stop, they look fabulous! I will be back.....

  7. Yeah, your daughter's in China!!! I am praying for a meaningful time for her -- and God already gave her a sweet kiss via Starbucks!


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