Monday, July 27, 2009

A Mag & A Bag --- WE HAVE A WINNER!!!

Photos courtesy of Jeanne d'Arc Living

Well, it's official -- Lu & Co!

So a mag and a bag (sorry, I just love that now that I've said it -- and it rhymes!) belong to you, Miss Lulu!
Let me know your address and off will go --- A MAG & A BAG! (I just HAD to do it one more time!)

Stop over to her blog! She is the cutest thing ever and her blog is like pure sunshine -- it's so happy & upbeat -- I just love it!!

Thanks so much to each of you who commented and who decided to follow me and therefore brought me well OVER 100 followers!!

You guys rock! Thank you!

For those of you who didn't win it this time, not to worry -- there will be another giveaway before you know it! Promise!

Your friend,



  1. Hi Ruth, haven't been in for a while, wow.. lots and lots of eye candy. Im off to look around. Hope your having a wonderful summer, Jamie

  2. Congratulations to Lu! She is a lucky girl!

  3. Hi Ruth,

    So happy for Lu Lu! I checked out her sight and I loved it! Also, I received my magazine yesterday and haven't been able to put it down! I think I might like it even more than #3! I am totally addicted now and HAVE to order #4, too. Thank you, thank you, thank you for making these available to us!

    Just wish you still had some of the Christmas book left (sniff, sniff) :(

    Anyway, have a terrific day!

  4. Are you kidding me??? I don't know why, but something told me to just go and check, just to be sure...and YOU HAVE IT BACK ON PRE-ORDER STATUS!!!! HAPPY DANCE! HAPPY DANCE! WOO HOO!! I'm excited. Can you tell?

    Now, off to order....

  5. Oh my goodness I have been missing in action because I have house guests. I am so excited! thank you for your sweet giveaway!!!
    I'm doing my happy dance and singing out loud!!

  6. Lucky LuLu! Stopped in to see you after too much time away. A few days too late I see, darn (hehe). I always enjoy coming here to browse!

  7. Congrats to LuLu! Take care and have a great evening!

  8. Congrats Lulu,
    Just found your it!
    Love you too, Ruth


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