Saturday, June 13, 2009

SHOES, KEYS, CROWN, & WINGS -- Don't leave your home without them!

  • Vintage Shoe Forms -- lots of them!
  • Vintage Keys -- lots and lots of them!
  • Fabulous metal crowns (that look vintage)
  • Ex-Voto hearts (with that aged patina)
  • Santos wings in silver or in gold - a beautiful touch to any vignette...
  • French Zinc "Tags" that are AMAZING!

Oh, and not to mention the fabulous Grain Sack Rugs shown in the silver wings photo ... those rugs are really something -- just love 'em...

I'll be back in over the weekend -- I was tagged by a lovely fellow blogger and I was given a specially-made Mathematicus pillow to comemorate my 100th blog post -- I want to share a picture of it with you! Wasn't that sweet? The wonderful seamstress who makes all the Mathematicus pillows made it for me as a surprise gift... I love that sweet gal...

Beautiful Weekend Wishes To YOU!



  1. What great stuff Ruth...

    I am so glad I inspired you to tell all. So funny, I have been dreading getting tagged. But it really turned out to be lots of fun. Can't wait to hear your secrets.
    Big Hugs...

  2. All beautiful!
    Thank you Ruth.
    You have such great taste!


  3. gorgeous things and just beautiful in the way they were photographed...very nice :)

  4. Everything is beautiful Ruth! Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Oh, Ruth, you always have fabulous new things in the shop! I love those crowns!

  6. Thrilled to have found have the most wonderful items to show...gorgeous blog and online store.
    Thank you so much...I will be back often.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!
    Nerina :)

  7. Everything just looks stunning. What great stuff. Happy Sunday.

  8. Hey you, thanks for coming by, wasn't sure I should post something personal, but what the heck, i am sooo proud of my girl!! Back to work tomorrow, all week I am afraid,have a good one,talk soon~ Chrissy~

  9. Holy cow...your new stuff is amazing! Love it all!

  10. i love it - especially the ex votos! so pretty!!!

    btw, i did a bedroom makeover post on my blog today that you might enjoy...check it out at:


  11. Dear Ruth, Love the collage shots that you do very inspirational. Love the mats would love one for home but i dont know if you send to Australia. Anyway have a great day Amanda x

  12. Hi Ruth,
    Oh my have such incredible taste....I love all your new items!! Be well, Laura

  13. Beautiful things, beautifully photographed. What a talented lady you are! Thanks for stopping by my little corner.

    p.s I can already see a place for one of your gorgeous feed sack rugs and a couple of beautiful cushions in my new house. I guess I'd better move in first though!


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