Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Girlfriends, part deux...A case of hidden treasure.

My friend Teri (in Paris)

"As I look at my expression, I can just imagine what I was thinking. My heart is so full at this point. Down on the river is SOOOOOO romantic and captivating. It's near sunset...notice the pink clouds. Paris takes on an unbelievable light in the evenings. Really a golden-pink. Even my skin looks young...I"m telling you...this place is magic. "
Photo & text: Teri

I have to believe that all of us have, at one time or another, had someone in our lives who
"almost wasn't there" -- that unexpected friend who you almost didn't get together with were it not for just the right circumstances...and we now wonder how we ever could have NOT had this person as a friend.

I just have to let you know about one such friend -- my "friend-pearl" who I found hidden right before my eyes...

Teri is this fabulous lady that has been in a bible study class of mine for years. She and I would sit on opposite sides of the room (not for any particular reason -- you know how you just find "your spot" and then stick to it?) and never really speak, connect, or even wave. Not being mean, just -- well -- we didn't know each other.

Plus, I'm SUPER quiet and pretty shy, so when I am out in a group of any kind, I basically find my seat -- and sit. {this may be why people who know me in person are always shocked that I have so much to say on a blog!}

And so it was for years. Until last fall. I'd heard that Teri loved Paris and went yearly with her hubby. People were always saying "I can't believe you & Teri don't know each other! She LOVES Paris!" or "Oh, you really need to talk to Teri -- the two of you would really hit it off!"

But, you know how we are -- I just kept walking in, taking my seat and sitting, each week.

One week, though, I happened to sit right behind Teri & her hubby and she saw my Paris purse (I sell them in the shop) and she turned around in her seat and to comment on it and chat. Right then, we began talking up a storm. Right up until the teacher was (impatiently) trying to get class started (inspite of our yakking!).

During this first conversation, Teri even mentioned that once years and years ago, she'd attended a Mother's Tea at our previous home! SAY WHAT? I felt horrible! Here, for a couple of years I sat in class not even acknowledging someone who'd been a guest in my home!

I promise you, ladies -- it has everything to do with my slipping memory and (HOPEFULLY) not a reflection on my hospitality! :)
Since that day last fall, we have become dear friends. Teri has shared her stories of her trips to Paris with me in words and pictures -- and in a way that makes you feel you have been yourself.

Teri even drove 1/2 hour to my house at 5:00AM to volunteer to help me with that Women's Show I did back in February! (As did another sweet gal, Karen, also in this same class and also the one who made me my "100" pillow for my 100th blog post).

Teri has a real knack for writing (she is currently taking a writing class) and I've told her that any given email she's sent me over these last many months is written so interestingly that it would be a fabulous blog post! Yes, even a simple email from Teri makes me reply to her email like this: "TERI! Stop wasting these incredible emails on just ME!
START A BLOG and share this stuff!"

She'll just send me an impromptu email during the day with a few (gorgeous) Paris pictures attached and write to me some inspiring thought regarding the photos. That's it. Just sends me this "quickie" email, which to her was nothing -- but I get it and I'm blown away. "Teri!", I tell her, "do you know how many other ladies in "blogland" would LOVE to read what you just sent me??"

"My absolute favorite fountain. I could stare at it forever... This fountain is in the middle of Place De La Concorde, where Marie Antoinette was beheaded...*sniff*
Photo & text: Teri

Well, I think finally you are going to be able to get to know Teri soon -- because after many months of badgering her about starting a blog, well, by George I think she's going to do it!

But really, what I most wanted to share is how you just never know what treasure could be right there in front of you -- or seated across the room from you.

So look around you -- see that other lady who just kind of blends into the woodwork (that was me, not Teri) or who you've gotten so used to seeing you no longer really "see" her?
Maybe she's your neighbor, maybe she is next to you in your exercise class...
Guess what? By this time next year, you could be calling her your best friend -- your special hidden treasure that was finally unearthed!

I know everytime I get an email from Teri or see her in my class each week, I still find myself finding it hard to believe how much time we wasted on opposite sides of the room...
And, when Teri's blog finally "goes public" you guys will be the first to know!

Trust me, after all my bugging her about it, I am definitely not going to let her blog become a hidden treasure!

And I know that each of you is going to be SO THRILLED you found her, too!

And I know you will all give her a big "blogland" welcome.
{Just wait til you see some of these pics from Paris and her funny and her inspiring stories that go with each one!}

So Teri, if you're reading this -- WE'RE ALL WAITING....tick tock, tick tock!!!
Not to bug you or anything...


Thanks to all of you who sent me such sweet anniversary wishes - we had a lovely day together.

Also, thank you to all who have given me SO MANY wonderful ideas for what to name the new section coming to the shop's website. I plan to work on getting that page on the site done in the next day (or so?)!

Should be great!

Have I mentioned that you are each so incredible....more "hidden treasures" in my life...hidden only because we can't really visit in person. But your faithful friendship is definitely not "hidden"!

Your friend,


  1. Can't wait to her blog is up.


  2. Hi Ruth! What a lovely post....I look forward to Teri's blog!
    Be well, Laura


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