Friday, April 24, 2009

FAIT ACCOMPLI - The Big Pillow Order Is Done!

A couple of weeks ago I was fortunate enough to get an order from a fabulous Manhattan designer team in need of some unique pillows for a hotel project, and today I was able to ship the order off. They turned out so wonderful and I just wanted to share the photos with you!

They apparently saw my Mathematicus pillows on our website and called to order for the hotel.

I also want to thank my friend, Karen Carothers, who labored tirelessly these last couple of weeks to get this order done in addition to all the other work she does -- and done in the expert, beautiful manor she does all her work. Thank you, friend. You deserve a very big vacation!

The cool thing is how each pillow was done specifically for each of the guest rooms, with the number specific to each room.

If you have a moment this weekend, check out the site belonging to the company I did this job for called Sixx Design -- they have quite a story and they also have a book coming out in a week or so (which I've already pre-ordered on called Urban Chic - From Wreck To Ravishing.

Sure sounds like something I could use! Hey! Sounds like something my house or my bod could use! HA HA! :)


  1. OH MY GOSH!!! You have more talent than most could ever dream of, they are stunning!!! WOW!! Enjoy your weekend, hope you made one to keep! Chrissy

  2. Chrissy

    Thanks so much for your sweet compliment about the pillows - but the talent really lies with the lady who made them all up for me. I just have the ideas -- she does the work! :)

    Thanks girl!


  3. How wonderful for you! And for them cuz your pillows are gorgeous!

  4. Those are GORGEOUS! And what a fantastic idea to have them coordinate with the room number...clever. By the way, thanks so much for the award...I am honored.

  5. Enjoyed your blog and music, so I'm following now.
    Have a great day!

  6. Woweeee - now that's what I call a pile 'a pillows!!! :) LindaSonia

  7. Yay Ruth,

    Congrats and more congrats.

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  8. She did a beautiful job! They will look great in the hotel. I hope they send you pictures.

  9. They look really fantastic...I love the numbers and the elegant writing. Beautiful things...very glad I've discovered your blog!
    x Philippa

  10. belle ballade sur ton blog


  11. Hi Ruth!
    I'm so happy to have "met" you too! Thank you for your kind comments....I checked out the Sixx Design link and it's fascinating! I will never have the energy that duo has and a big family as well! I absolutely adore those number pillows and am thinking....don't you think I need a No. 52?
    Be well, Laura

  12. They are beautiful!!!

  13. Hi Ruth...I am sure this is just the beginning. The pillows are fabulous.


  14. FANTASTIC! that is totally like a dream!!

  15. good morning Ruth,
    Your pillows are the look of them. What a great validation for your company, hopefully they will order plenty more!

  16. These pillows are absolutely amazing. I LOVE how the hotel is using each number for the rooms. I am totally familiar with Sixx Designs. Such a great order for you! I think I'll have to blog about it!

  17. those are AMAZING!! loooove them so much and congrats for the hotel's commission!


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