Friday, April 3, 2009


Bonjour, mes amis - c'est moi, La Belle Vie....

Since I know that many of you share my addiction (oops! that word again!), I meant my LOVE OF all things French, I want to let you know of a magnifique blog called A la parisienne Une ville romantique... Un style romantique and what she is doing every Friday, starting today!

She has decided to give a French lesson every Friday (thus, "French Lesson Friday's") and her first installment is TODAY!

These lessons are going to be a great help to me and since she is a former high school French teacher and even lived in France for a while, I'm guessing we're going to get some excellent information! :)

I was just over at her blog trying to absorbe today's lesson, which is how I managed to cram in even this much French into this blog post. :)
Even aside from "French Lesson Friday", this blog is wonderful!
Enjoy your first French lesson!
And I hope your weekend is c'est merveilleux!


  1. Good morning! C'est moi, Dixie! I linked to your from my Friday morning French lesson! Won't that be fun! Your blog is wonderful... I'll be back to read more soon!

  2. It has been so long since I have had a French Lesson since Highschool. Looks like fun
    C'est fantastique!

    Merci beaucoup,

  3. Ruth, I am glad that you learned something from the lesson. C'est amusant (fun), n'est-ce pas? Thank you for sharing French Lesson Fridays with all of your friends. The more the merrier!

  4. So excited about this! I can't wait to check it out.

  5. Love it Ruth! Just something else French to look forward to, while stuck in my Florida world!

  6. Bonjour Ruth!
    Thank you for this link. I will make note to visite Vendredi. I'm on my way. There are so many great sources out there that I'm adding to my Rosetta Stone. Another fantastic one is Anita at Ecrire au Fil de la Plume. I think I saw you over at her Castles, Crowns and Cottages blog. Merci mille fois! xo~Tracie

  7. Hello Ruth,
    I chuckled when I read your comment on my bog this afternoon....and enjoyed my visit to your blog, will go visit your store as well. No frowning this week....I promise.

  8. I would love a french class~ Enjoy your blog


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