Saturday, March 7, 2009

Wishing You A Heavenly Weekend!

Absolutely nothing in particular to say here -- just thinking of all my blog-pals and just simply wanted to wish you ALL a very happy weekend -- however you define that for yourselves.

For me, its the knowledge that for the first time in A VERY LONG TIME, I don't feel absolutley under-the-gun about some kind of committment. Yes, I still have LOADS to do, but I've resolved that things will get done when they get done. How about THAT? ;)

Yes, I have more new items for the shop to photograph and put up on the site, but you it will get done. And it will be awesome when it does get done ( I really think you're going to love the new things!! ), but for now, its lunch with a friend whom I haven't seen in ages, while the hubby and my sweet daughter attend a large outdoor art show together.
So what is it that YOU can lay aside this weekend in order to carve out some time for you and your family? Trust me, "it" will still be there when you've rested up a bit. And maybe "it" (whatever that is for you) won't loom so large before us after a nice, relaxing weekend.
I'm planning on playing hookie a little bit this weekend, won't you join me??

Life truly IS beautiful!

Happy Weekend, Friends!!!



  1. Anonymous3/07/2009

    Have a happy and peacefull weekend, I plan to do the same thing.

  2. I am so in for playing a little hooky! Great way to tack lifes demands, as they come.
    Have a great day!

  3. Hi Ruth! Same here....the husband is working all day so the kids and I have the day to ourselves.
    Have a fun relaxing weekend!
    ~ Rebecca


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