Thursday, March 26, 2009

Beautiful New Jewelry From The Ladies In Jinja, Uganda!

How often do you get to be a part of helping truly impact the lives of other women 1/2 way around the world...?

{For those of you new to the blog since we first introduced our "Jinja Jewelry Project" back in July, click HERE and HERE for the story behind what The Beautiful Life is doing to help a group of women in Uganda improve their lives and the lives of their children/families.}

Its so hard to believe that it has been 9 months since The Beautiful Life began what we call the Jinja Jewelry Project and your response to the jewelry is what has allowed us to continue to tell the ladies in Uganda who make the jewelry that we need more and more!

Our latest "batch" of jewelry is quite possibly the best ever. Those ladies have really been branching out and letting their creative juices flow! Just have a look-see!!

This new collection really has a totally new "look" and we are SO excited about it!
As you can see, the beads are varied not only in color, but in size and shape, on each necklace. And this time the necklaces are VERY long, so they can be doubled, and possibly tripled for three variations on the length.

And, this time each necklace is accompanied by a set of earrings and a bracelet!

The ladies make these by recycling old posters, magazines, etc., so whatever the paper they have to work with at the moment is what determines the look of the jewelry!

PLEASE don't miss out on this batch of sets -- when these sell out, we will get more, but as you've seen, we never know what the teams will bring back with them from their trips to visit the ladies, so if this particular style "strikes you" -- get 'em while you can!

Also, obviously it simply helps us help the ladies over there when you purchase this jewelry.
Since we began, we've improved our promo materials, as well, and now when you specify that you are purchasing the jewelry to give as a gift, we have new, BEAUTIFUL large glossy "story cards" made up that tell the entire story of the women we're helping, how they make the jewelry, and there are wonderful pictures of the women on the front side of the card (both sides shown below).

It really helps give the entire gift a whole new level of meaning, don't you think?

So next time you have someone to buy for, won't you consider giving her a gift that she will not only enjoy for many years, but that will also help women in the village of Jinja, Uganda who also wish to give their children the promise of a better life?

Visit the Jinja Jewelry Project page HERE


  1. Ruth,
    The Jinja jewelry is lovely. How simple it is really, that we can help affect the lives of those courageous women and others like them with just our buying habits. I traveled to Guatemala a couple of years ago and worked with an organization, Common Hope, that is an advocate for education there. As part of the experience, we hiked up a volcano and saw small coffee farmers and how they farm. I was able to see first hand how changes in buying habits (in this case to fair trade coffee) can make a difference. Thanks for sharing this story!

    I love the sacred heart I bought from The Beautiful Life BTW!

  2. What a beautiful project you are involved in there, Ruth. Now. . . who could I buy these for. . .

  3. The jewelry is a beautiful way to help others. It was wondeful of you to share it on your beautiful site. Today is my first day to travel through the world of blog and somehow I was led here. I enjoyed it. Have a good day.
    Angel Blessings

  4. What a wonderful thing you are doing to help these women become more self-sufficent. The colors and shapes are beautiful. I will have to check out the other site that you listed after I get off work!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. just beautiful.

  6. Hi Ruth,

    My DIL and I treasure our necklaces.
    What a wonderful thing you are doing.
    God bless you!



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