Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Every Girl's A Princess -- If Even For Just An Evening

One embellished paper crown - $18.00.

Dinner for birthday girl, friends and family - $300.00 (I'm guessing here...)

Airfare to the important event - $800.00 (Yeah, guessing once again...)

Making your only daughter's 30th birthday a night to remember -- PRICELESS.

One of the things I love most as a shop owner is the rare occasions when I get to really connect with a customer on a personal level and sometimes even get to know a bit about what happens to the things they've purchased once the customer receives them.

I obviously choose my inventory carefully and though I wouldn't go so far as to say its all like my babies, it is nice to know how the person who gets the item is enjoying it and using it. On that note...

I just got a the sweetest email from a wonderful customer who I now consider a friend.

We've chatted on the phone about our daughters and what they have in common and where they are in their lives right now, etc... We both have just one daughter and though our girls are not the same age, we're watching them experienece many of the same things that young gals go through. Seems when you begin talking about your kids there is an immediate bond, don't you think?

So, my new friend has a daughter turning 30 who lives on one coast and mom is on the other. Mom is planning a trip out for daughter's 30th. Mom plans ahead and orders one of our gorgeous paper birthday crowns and has it shipped ahead to the west coast to be held in safekeeping with her daughter's friend....

Mom arrives at her west coast destination, birthday celebration begins, and mom surprises her sweet 30 year-old birthday girl with her special crown!
(You're a princess no matter what age you're turning -- remember that, ladies!)

Birthday girl wears her crown all evening and a blast was had by all -- including the server in the restaurant! (Do tell, Renee'!)

Hours spent working store each day -- lost count.

Hours spent agonizing over just the right items to carry -- countless.

Budget blown stocking just the right items -- more than once.

The feeling you're even a tiny part of the lives of others across the county -


Thanks -- a million times -- thanks, to all of my wonderful, loyal customers; some who have been with me since I started almost 10 years ago!

Even if I weren't having a blast doing what I do (and let's face it, there are "those" days....) you make my day with the way you've treated me as a part of your family and as a friend.

That is a treasure more dear than anything.

You are loved,



  1. Ruth, you're so amazing. Great blog and I love your store!!!!
    Beautiful pic too Chica!
    Love you sistah!

  2. My daughter wore the same crown (from you) on her 6th birthday. She loved it and was the envy of every girl and mom:-)


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