Tuesday, September 30, 2008



For months and months I've been planning to carry these FABULOUS posters and just hadn't gotten around to getting them up and on the site for sale.

THEN BOOM! Over the last week or so it would seem the economic world as we know it is crashing in around us all. Then, yesterday's serious slide of the market down 700+ points....

Could there be a more pertinent, well-said reminder for us all?

A couple of things about this poster (really a public service announcement for England during WWII) are amazing:

1.) It is but one out of a series of posters commissioned to be displayed throughout Britain when World War II broke out. It was essentially a message from King George VI to his subjects, reassuring them that all possible measures were being taken to ensure the defense of the country. Sort of an encapsulated statement epitomizing that wonderful British "stiff upper lip" approach to things.
Its simple message is possibly more relevant to life today than it was then. But you know what? For some reason, this particular PSA was barely put before the public.
The poster was held in reserve for use only in times of extreme crisis. Although thousands were produced, only a handful ever saw the light of day
Its as though it was supposed to be held for us now.

2.) This poster is just sky-rocketing in popularity -- being found now on any number of objects, from mugs to totebags to pendants! But this, my friends, is basically as close to the original as you will get apart from uncovering an original vintage stash. The red color is the original, authentic color. The poster is now available in a myriad of colors (which we will also be offering) but red was the original. A real attention-getter, to be sure!

So, this simple but eloquent declaration, never seen by the generation it was intended for, is now not only very much of-the-moment in terms of our current "situation" but it is also fast on its way to becoming the next decor "craze" (not sure I like that term, but...).

We're expecting delivery of the posters within days (FROM THE UK!) and as soon as they're in, we'll get them up on the site straight away!

The posters measure 23.5" tall x 16.5 wide and will come rolled and unframed.

ALSO COMING SOON....Be on the look-out for other VERY HIP prints and framable notecards!! YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE YOUR EYES!!! :)
One last little thing...as you watch the events around you (economically, politically, whatever) unfold on the news each night, just keep it all in perspective. No matter what is swirling around you that would seek to cause you to panic, worry, be dispairing, it pales in comparison to all that you no doubt DO have that can't be taken away. Enjoy your family, every day. Maybe even choose to turn OFF the news occasionally.
Give someone a extra smile -- maybe a stranger in the grocery store trying to figure out which item to take back out of the cart so they don't break this week's budget. Look around, they're everywhere -- people who will stop dead in their tracks because you just simply looked them in the eye and warmly smiled. Try it.
You get just one time around, only get one shot at this -- one chance to find out the one thing that you don't want to miss.
One ride, one try, one life to love...
Share some love today -- surely someone out there who's watched too much news needs an extra dose. :)


  1. Thank you ~ it's just as I have been saying here. Refreshing to see that someone else sees the same things ~ just keep pushing forward and we will get through!

    Stay calm and level headed.

    Life goes on ~ perhaps what is really important will be brought back into perspective for more people once again and we will all be the better for it.

    Love the poster!

  2. Very true Ruth. Thanks for the reminder.
    Who loves ya? Me!

  3. Anonymous10/01/2008

    I so agree Ruth! I need to turn off CNN! As always your words are heart warming...

  4. Thanks for a reminder to turn off my TV. It's my normal routine to have peace and quiet when I'm home during the day, but for the past week, I've had the TV on FoxNews constantly. Guess what? It's stealing my joy!

    ...love the poster, and even though I'm in a "cut expenses" mode, there are some things that are essential...right???

  5. so true!
    love the posters!

  6. R~
    thank you for the kind comments in regards to my pregnancy!
    also, your post on the paris market was fun. i went there long ago to their 1st location--a tiny one @ that! Was beautiful then and would love to see it now! I hope all is well and yes we need to keep calm!
    kara & darcy too

  7. I couldn't agree more with you.
    We all need to keep calm and carry on.

    It does give comfort to know WHO is in charge. One moment at a time.


  8. Anonymous10/06/2008

    Keep Calm and Carry On...Such wise words in times like these. I have learned very quickly to do this! it is so true...Keeping calm is hard but we can train ourselves to do it. Wishing you a wonderful and blessed week beautiful gal :)

  9. Well said! I haven't had the news on for days and it feels so much better. No news, no debates, no arguing pundits. I usually go through FoxNews withdrawls but right now it's a well needed break.

    Love the poster!


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