Saturday, September 27, 2008


Ladies, prepare to hand over your wallet to Kasey at Lola B Boutique...Its just that simple.

Either that, or just leave your credit card on file with her -- start a "tab" -- whatever. Just be forewarned, this store that's only been "live" online for a week now is going to take your pocketbook by storm! But beautifully so! :)

I have been waiting and waiting for this store to be available to those of us who aren't up in the Illinois area -- I've been reading
Kasey's blog as long as I can remember, drooling over the images of her sweet store on her blog, and now more and more of what she carries in the shop is appearing on her webstore! Even since I placed my order (just a few days ago) she's added MORE that I simply MUST have! (Oh dear, I wonder if hubby is reading this...).

As I just said, I only placed my order just a few days ago and what appeared on my front porch today?? I feel like singing "Got a package, got a package..."

When I opened it, the first big "WOW'S" were the beautiful and strong lavender scent (I bought some lavender-scented laundry soap -- and now I REALLY hope hubby isn't reading this...) and the beautiful presentation of the goodies.

I had already ripped open the "No Soliciting" sign before thinking to grab my camera, so its unwrapped, but I left the bag of laundry soap intact so you could get an idea of what awaits you when YOU order!

The little "Please No Soliciting" sign is just precious. If you have to basically tell someone to go away, this has to be the prettiest way to do it! (Just a note: I was in such a hurry to get the sign photographed, I didn't even stop to sweep up the porch -- well, what's a little dirt between friends, I ask you?)

I also can't wait to try the laundry soap. Wait. That means doing laundry. the little sign I bought, at least this fabby new soap will make an otherwise unpleasant task more beautiful! :) OH! And I also received a little lavender bud sachet -- to put in the dryer to match the lavender scent of my soap! LOVING THIS!!! I am actually looking for laundry to do around here and coming up empty-handed! Never thought I'd hear myself saying "Don't you people have any dirty clothes around here?"

On a related note, you'll notice from reading Kasey's blog that she was one of many other great shops from around the country who attended the Country Living Fair in Ohio a week or so ago and very soon I'll be doing a blog post devoted to an interview Kasey agreed to do with me all about her experience at the Fair. You WILL NOT WANT TO MISS THIS!!!!

If you are among the many shop owners who wanted to participate but for some reason couldn't (like me) this year,
DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT
miss reading this upcoming interview with Kasey! Whenever you have the chance to learn from someone else's experience (hard knocks) its a crime not to do so! :)

Give Kasey's blog a read and
Lola B Boutique a look-see. And I say again, better just hand over that credit card now...


  1. thanks for the nice words Ruth!
    Truly appreciated.

  2. Can't wait to see the blog of the interview.
    Love ya Ruth! We need to get together. Too long.

  3. Anonymous9/28/2008

    Hubby did read it....

  4. Anonymous9/28/2008

    Hubby did read it.... and likes the new picture....almost as pretty as you are in person!!


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