Friday, August 29, 2008


I know. Its my second post about aprons in a little over a month. Well, OK. I admit I may be a little obsessive about them at the moment. But can you blame me? We've been getting in and selling these incredible aprons -- all with such a great look -- and the more I see the more I love! I think I've finally "got" what ladies for decades have known about these little numbers -- and I'm hooked.

So "hooked" that I've just dedicated a section to my store just for our collection of what I've called our "Vintage Modern" Aprons.

While their basic design could definitely be considered "retro", the way the classic "bones" are then translated into the finished product is anything but!
The fabulous mix and match of fabrics and colors on each apron is so fresh, so modern -- yet comfortingly "familiar". Its that juxtaposition (LOVE that word!) of everything vintage with everything totally "NOW".

I'll tell you, since we've gotten these aprons into stock and have been working so closely with them during the photography, I'm SO wanting to just wear one every day!

Aprons really are so practical. I know -- I'm a little late to the game figuring this out...Maybe it's why aprons have been around for, oh I don't know, CENTURIES!
For one thing, with many of the aprons, you always have at least one pocket on you at all times, so pens, scissors, YOUR CELL PHONE/BLACKBERRY, etc. are always "right there" when you need them.
But you know what else? Can't explain it, but for some strange reason, the moment you slip one on, there is an immediate "attitude transformation".

I feel suddenly even more feminine. Suddenly more pretty. Even if I'm in my ragged jeans working in the office or the house, the addition of any one of the aprons is a fabulous "vintage modern" makeover!
I can't guarantee you'll get more done around the house wearing one, but you'll sure feel great doing whatever you do and LOOK fabulous in the process!


  1. Anonymous9/01/2008

    These are truly fab Ruth!

  2. I love aprons! They are so fun to wear ,they just make you feel like a million bucks !

  3. You totally rock Ruth!!!! Kudos to you on your right answer to the Biblical question!!!!! You go girl!!!!
    I love you sistah!

  4. Hello Ruth! Love the aprons, so dang cute.

  5. Thanks for using a word I had to look up!!!! :)
    Ok, so I'm gonna use that one on George tonight!
    That was fun!
    Love you mucho!


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