Saturday, August 2, 2008


Be still my heart....

What gal doesn't dream of 'THE BLUE BOX' ?

The box that needs no logo, no name -- the color says it all -- says 'no matter what's inside, you're gonna love it.'

Well, for the first time in my life, I got 'a blue box'! And trust me, the minute I saw that signature "Tiffany's blue" color I started screaming just that: "I GOT A BLUE BOX! I GOT A BLUE BOX!"

The card read "Now you don't have to be jealous..." (Who? ME?)

See, when my daughter graduated from high school a few months ago, some friends sent her a sterling key ring from Tiffany's. Out of the blue (no pun intended) a box arrived on the porch, she opened it and inside was "the blue box" and inside that was a beautiful, gorgeous, oh-so-silver key ring.

Naturally, her next question was "So when do I get a car so I can put some keys on it?"

Stinker. It was then that the envy set in...

Yeah, sure, she's 17 and gets a 'blue box' -- I'm "@%" (aka I'm not telling how old) and no blue box!

So imagine my sheer delight when I began to see the first signs of that blue as I opened my gift -- MY very own BLUE BOX...and inside... my very own key ring!! SWEET!!!

I'm so happy.
Not just because another thing on my 'bucket list' is checked off, but because my family knows me and is the kind that keeps mental notes -- the kind of mental notes that say "I'm listening, I'm noticing - even when you don't think I am." That's how special moments like this are created. I'm so happy. I'm so blessed.

I am SO going to put my keys on that key ring!!

Thanks for letting me share...


  1. I just love your blog. I too have a daughter. She just finished college and is living on her own now. I am so lonesome for her. Only another mother could understand. Glad you got your blue box. It's a lovely gift. BTW, I painted my kitchen Tiffany Box it!!!!

  2. Like you, I adore that little blue box! It does make your heart flutter a bit.

    Have a great weekend.

  3. Anonymous8/06/2008

    How cool is that? I love when family pays attention.

    I've yet to receive a blue box... :)



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