Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Great News!!!

You may have noticed that the store has been pretty "bare bones" for some months now... Things have been selling off while we have been re-evaluating the inventory needs of the store and we've held off buying much until we got all our ducks in a row...Well, I guess you could say the ducks are all lined up now and we're rolling out A TON of new and some very different items for you!!
We've been hard at work shopping (now that's MY KIND OF WORK!) and some of our new things have already started to arrive -- its wonderful!! We're busy unpacking, logging the items into the system and taking pictures. Before long, you'll see a whole new crop of beautiful "must-haves" unfolding before your eyes on our site!! More later -- gotta go unpack boxes!!


  1. Anonymous2/06/2008

    WOW! I'm so excited you started a blog!! I'm a frequent customer of The Beautiful Life and have absolutely loved every purchase! You carry the most unique and amazing things. From the looks of your blog, you seem like a really cool person - great store, great pictures, great favorites, great house! I will definitely check back often to stay in The Beautiful Loop!! :)

  2. Just what I needed to hear TODAY! As I'm bustling around trying to keep up with everything, I read this and it's like ice water in my face. So I'm busy. Big deal. Brook will be in my prayers.
    As a repeat customer of yours and someone who knows you pretty well (Hi sis!), thank you for the blog and the message. I love you!

  3. Hi Ruth! I love your new blog! What a great way to keep up with the goings-on in your life, as well as see your latest items. Sure hope to see you soon, li'l sis. It's nice reading about what you're doing, but it's a whole lot nicer chatting with you in person. Love you lots! Val


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